When it comes to in-home care for a member of your family, you question everything. We will answer those questions, including the most important one—will my loved one be well cared for, and his or her quality of life maintained in a safe, affordable and convenient manner. Below are some frequently asked questions along with our answers, and typical answers you may receive from an individual caregiver.

Individual Caregiver
Do you have back up caregivers for emergencies?
Yes. We are ready and able to fill your Home Care needs, with one simple phone call. We have a backup system in place, should your usual caregiver be unable to work.
No. Locating home care back up is extra stress to your family.
Are you bonded and insured?
Yes. State of California Licensing require all home care agencies carry liability insurance. Employed Caregivers must be bonded.
Usually not. It is your responsibility to investigate any insurance or licensing held by these individuals.
Do you take care of payroll, taxes and the IRS?
Yes. Our caregivers are all employees of Ambassadors and Ambassadors is responsible for all Payroll and mandated taxes.
No. You are responsible for reporting and remitting state, federal and FICA taxes to the proper agencies.
Do you have a level of quality control and supervision of home care staff?
Yes. All cases are carefully monitored by our management staff. Random visits are made to ensure quality. Family members are kept informed.
None. Individuals are completely independent and unsupervised.
Do you do criminal background checks?
Yes. All registered caregivers are required by California to be fingerprinted by live scan with DOJ & FBI compliance.
No. It is your responsibility to check the background of any individual caregiver you employ. This can cost up to $100 per check.
Do you have workers’ compensation to cover accidents and injuries of your staff occurring on the job?
Yes. All of our staff are covered by workers’ compensation insurance for accidents occurring on the job. Your liability is zero.
No. Individual caregivers can sue you if they are injured on the job.
Are you flexible with regard to scheduling and specific skills required?
Yes. We have a four-hour minimum per visit. We assign our caregivers based on the skill set you require, and this can change based on your evolving needs.
No. Skills are fixed to the particular individual, and you pay for what skills they can perform rather than the skills you need. A change in desired skill level often requires hiring a new caregiver.
Do you require a minimum level of experience from your staff?
Yes. All of our staff have at least two years of experience in Home Care. Each caregiver has at least 5 hours ongoing training mandated by the Department of Social Services.
No. An individual caregiver can have any level and any degree of experience.
Do you offer 365-7-24 comprehensive availability?
Yes. We are here to serve you 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, including holidays. We will be here for you.
No. You are responsible for finding and hiring replacement caregivers for holidays, vacations, personal days, sickness or injury, which means you start all
over again.
Can we replace our caregiver?
Yes. If you are not pleased with a caregiver, ambassadors will replace them upon request.
No. You have to start the hiring process from the beginning.
As we provide the care you need in the privacy of your home, our desire is that you remain as independent as you can for as long as you can. With that in mind Ambassadors is there for you.